I don’t think I can read Doug TenNapel’s comics anymore.

Even if you don’t recognize the name Doug TenNapel, odds are you’ve experienced his work, or know someone who has.  The comics and game creator was hailed as a creative powerhouse in the 90s and early aughts (that’s the first decade of the new millennium to you, uh…millennials), and is still going strong.  There’s a reason the guy is considered a fountain of quirky juiciness: he’s been telling damn good stories for years, most with a retro flare.  His graphic novel Iron West remains one of the more memorable comics I’ve ever read, and playing Earthworm Jim (his brainchild) during my Sega Genesis days was sheer joy.


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Celebrating 20 years of Hellboy: A [moral] compass for modern comics

Today, March 22nd, has been declared “Hellboy Day” by Dark Horse comics in celebration of 20 years of one of the most celebrated characters in comic-dom.  In the spirit of this most illustrious of feast days, I decided to reflect a little on just what I have found so special about Hellboy over the years.  I think I nailed it…but maybe that’s just my ego.  Comments and criticism are welcome, as always. Continue reading

Webcomic of the week: The Path

This one’s got me intrigued, although I’ve yet to get current and see where the story goes.  From what I’ve seen of The Path, it already has a little of all my favorite ingredients; it’s a bit Arthurian, a bit Lovecraftian, and I think there’s even some of Mike Mignola’s artistic influence in the pen and ink. That’s a beautiful combination, if I do say so myself (queue Julie Andrews’ “Favorite Things” song).

The Cutty Black Sow Title Placard Continue reading

Five great crossovers of the Batman persuasion

Crossovers can be a strange beast.

They can be pear-shaped and awkward as easily as they’ll charm your pants off. If that statement didn’t tip you off, just know that I tend to be pretty fickle about them as a whole. That said, there’s a short list that rocked my world when I first discovered them (and which continue still to do so). Since a list of the top 5 all-time crossovers would be rather unwieldy, I’m sticking to Batman here. It also happens that I love Batman a whole lot, so it was also a selfish choice.

I don’t think any of these would be considered traditional superhero crossovers, so bear with me if that’s your usual ball of wax. Strictly superhero crossovers are great, but I like something that wanders into other genres I enjoy, which are usually set apart from the classic superhero motif to begin with. Shall we? Continue reading

Webcomic of the week: Broodhollow

I’m starting a regular weekly post today called “webcomic of the week”.  Clever, I know.  It’s nothing fancy-just comics I stumble across and really enjoy.  I’m kicking things off with my most recent discovery, one which has apparently been around a while, but is still getting churned out.  I give you writer/artist Kris Straub’s, Broodhollow.

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Find something to nerd out about (and look forward to) on Kickstarter

If the title of this post wasn’t clear, perusing Kickstarter is one of the best ways to find (and hopefully support) something you really dig.  Now, let’s be honest–I know that you know that we all know that everyone and their brother has heard of the celebrated crowdfunding resource by now. Continue reading