Dark Horse Preview, The Goon: Occasion of Revenge

Occasion of Revenge #1 comes out July, and holy moley does it appear to take off with a bang!  If you’re new to The Goon, go get some trade paperbacks (story arc compilations of usually 4-6 issue collections, for those of you who don’t know the term) and start soaking this universe up!  Seriously.  Get to it.

If you’re not a big fan of the macabre and/or dark, deadpan humor (there’s a lot of both in Eric Powell’s flagship original comic), then admittedly The Goon may not be your thing.  Of course, I can’t imagine a world wherein Eric Powell and his work don’t exist, so you’ll pardon me if I think you crazy for not loving this series.  It’s got voodoo priests, zombies, robots, demons, ghouls…the list goes on.  And the only thing to match The Goon‘s heaping spoonfuls of good old-fashioned clobbering is its sporadic zaniness.  It’s one of the best things since sliced bread, or maybe even Pop-Tarts.

Here’s a Dark Horse-approved preview for those of you who are eagerly awaiting the new arc, and a taste of awesome for those of you who have yet to explore the comic (reminder: get to it!).

About Mr. Powell:

Eric Powell has been writing, drawing and sometimes coloring The Goon since 1995.  After successful bouts with self-publishing and small press publication, The Goon was picked up by Dark Horse Comics in 2003.  Eric Powell has won several Eisner Awards for his work on The Goon, including Best Continuing Series, Best Writer/Artist and Best Single Issue/Single Story (there are others!).  Powell has also worked on titles including Star Wars, The Avengers, Hellboy and Swamp Thing (again, there are tons more).

This is where I shamelessly brag that I got to chat with Eric Powell a couple times at C2E2 in Chicago this year and I am happy to report that he seems like a stand-up guy, and that yes, there still is a Goon movie in the works.  Cheers!


Preview image(s) from Dark Horse Comics.


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